Wednesday 30 June 2010

First Placement

Hurrah, managed to get a placement at NonConform for 2-weeks this summer!
Interview went really well, I hope this gives me an idea of the working environment for Design.

Sunday 20 June 2010

CV Boost - Work Experience / Volounteering

I started thinking about work placements and volounteer oppourtunities to attend whilst on my summer break...a little less hectic now than in term time.
I handed my 'creative CV' to places such as FACT and the Bluecoat Gallery to see if any volunteer oppourtunites arrise in the art and design sector.

I also emailed some graphic design agencies in Liverpool, enquiring for a 1/2 week placement this summer. I have an interview at NonConform lined up...finger crossed!!

Friday 4 June 2010

Graphic Arts Degree Show Exhibition

What I found refreshing, was the use of the laser cutter to produce graphics.
Here, an array of alternative font styles has been burnt into the wooden sheet. This aesthetic, gave something new and fresh to the exhibition, which I admired greatly.

Display cases held more fragile pieces of work, such as paper engineering, CD covers etc.
The cases above show the work of Kirsty White and Sophie Todd - both Illustration students whom have a technique for precision.

A typographic piece of work I admired, was that of Siobhan Ley.
Using advantage of the laser cutter to create typographic stamps which were used for letterpress to create the work below.

I admire the brave attempt of positioning and the irregular type sizes.

Following from the 'equation-like' sums on vinyl throughout the corridoors come from James Henderson. He explored the thoughts of people's perception of Graphic Arts.
To accomodate this, produced an interaction piece of work, which involved the user to create their own sum.
I loved this idea, it allowed the user to become involved and have fun.
A small booklet was produced alongside to show the numerous different equations.

As I said earlier, I admired the exploration of 3D work in the exhibition.
This sculpture is the work of Ben Rigney. The is produced from Perspex pieces of type that slot into one another to produce a sculpture of your own.

This years catalogue was an unusual one. Rather than a brochure of work, this years students printed their work onto an A5 sized postcard which was placed into a brown cardbaord box, which had an interaction/playful side were on could pop out the holes to create a shape/design/letter.
A fun idea, although I did like the idea of a magazine in which I could flick through. Having said that though, this is a new approach which allowed each student to be individual and design their own postcard; front and back.

Thursday 3 June 2010

Creative CV Design

Over the next week, I will be working on my CV, making it into a creative CV!
My only ammendment will be a header I will design that should make my CV outstanding, yet smart and sophisticated.
Using simple shapes and neutral colour pallettes, I aim for a muted appearance that will work well together.

Tuesday 1 June 2010

RE:THINK - Talking About Design

Chaired by Emily King; a writer and curator within Graphic Design, RE:THINK was a lecture focusing upon contemporary design.
Guest speakers Danny Sangra and OK-RM, shared their thoughts on the topic whilst showing some of their own work to discuss.

OK-RM are formed by Oliver Knight and Rory McGrath. Their work consists of clean, crisp pages of type and design layouts. I found their work interesting to view and to learn about.
They state that they "...explore the parameters in display."

I admired the interaction element to 'Le Corbusier' - an event booklet which also acted as a sticker booklet that the user could interact with. The idea also worked the same way Corbusier did, in that he would have a plan lined up and cross each out after he finished - acting as a checklist.

Danny Sangra focuses upon Illustration. His childhood obsesion with drawing on top of faces still occurs today, with his main style being drawings on top of magazines. He would often collect and transform the original into something new and unique.

As well as this style, Sangra also shows a lot of geometry in his work - which may be a useful contact for my GARP. I admired Danny's sense of humour and his way of working. He often creates new work by looking through his old and re-vamping it up some way.

The lecture was a whole two hours, and could have gone on for much longer.
I admired the work of both, two very different approaches to design!
The minimal display of OK-RM appeals to me alot as I like to keep my own work this way.
Very interseting and made me think...RE:THINK about design and it's approach.